a magnificent distraction

thoughts sparked by works of literature

I just finished D'Arcy McNickle's 1954 novel about a young boy named Salt who saves his people from ... well, from themselves, I suppose. It's a nice story, although it is written in an almost fable-like language which has the potential to oversimplify its message (in my opinion). It was a quick and enjoyable read, but one that I think is representative of an era of writing during which authors of color were serving as pseudo-ethnographers: their stories, which were finally beginning to be read by a larger (white) audience were being taken as anthropological histories rather than works of fiction. It's a style that brings me back to works I read in high school and before -- works that were taught in hopes of broadening our understanding of other cultures, but which were not the contemporary works that address political and social issues that I am more interested in today. In any case, I can't be too hard on McNickle because I did really enjoy the story. However, I must admit that part of its appeal was the fact that there was never really any narrative tension (and since I am a big wimp, this was helpful for me because I was never pushed to the point of being nervous or jumpy on behalf of the characters). So perhaps this is not ultimately a good thing as far as the writing is concerned, but it was nice since I was able to enjoy the process of reading more than I sometimes am when things get suspenseful and dangerous in a book.


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the distraction

Books. Reading. Words on a page. This is my magnificent distraction, a black and white obsession that has resulted in my pursuit of a PhD. This blog was born of a desire to write down my thoughts about the books on my reading list for the candidacy exams, and to share them with anyone who cares to read about them. Now it continues beyond that reading list (as my exams are behind me) and into the realm of my regular reading pursuits, whether they are for pleasureful or professional purposes. Enjoy!